Wednesday, May 07, 2008

The $200 barrel of oil?


The $200 barrel of oil?

May 7th 2008

OIL briefly reached another record on Tuesday May 6th as West Texas Intermediate traded at over $122 a barrel for the first time. Ten years ago a barrel fetched around $15. The feeble dollar, soaring demand and supply constraints have all helped to push up prices by 25% in the past four months alone. And there is little sign of respite for worried governments and consumers. This week Goldman Sachs, a bank, predicted that oil could reach $200 a barrel before the end of the year.


Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Das Internet braucht neue Hausnummern

Neuer Standard für IP-Protokoll

Das Internet braucht neue Hausnummern

06. Mai 2008 Langsam, aber unausweichlich wird es eng im Internet. Das für den Datenverkehr im Netz grundlegende Internet-Protokoll ermöglicht 3,7 Milliarden Adressen - bei einer Weltbevölkerung von 6,7 Milliarden sind das deutlich zu wenig. In dieser Woche wollen rund 200 Teilnehmer einer Fachkonferenz in Potsdam die Lösung für das Problem vorantreiben: IPv6 hat mit 340 Sextillionen Adressen praktisch unendlich viel Platz.

Dieses Internet-Protokoll in der Version 6 sei schon fast zehn Jahre alt, erklärt Konferenzleiter Christoph Meinel. „Man hat sich damals hingesetzt und gefragt: Wie machen wir es richtig?“ Denn bereits Mitte der 90er Jahre erkannte man die Mängel der Version 4 des Internet-Protokolls - vor allem die begrenzte Verfügbarkeit von Adressen, in der Fachsprache als Adressraum bezeichnet.

Danach sei IPv6 aber nicht richtig in die Gänge gekommen, erklärt Meinel, der das Hasso-Plattner-Institut (HPI) an der Universität Potsdam leitet. Vor allem in den Vereinigten Staaten hielt sich die Begeisterung in Grenzen - die dort eingerichteten Netze verfügen ja auch über etwa 74 Prozent aller derzeit vergebenen IP-Adressen. Für China und andere asiatischen Ländern sei der Druck der Adressenknappheit aber sehr viel stärker, erklärt Meinel. Daher werde IPv6 dort sehr viel massiver vorangetrieben.

Netzanbindung für Geräte aller Art

„Inzwischen kommt auch in den USA und bei uns Bewegung hinein“, sagt Meinel. Als treibende Kräfte nennt er den Trend zum „Internet der Dinge“, also der Netzanbindung von elektronischen Geräten aller Art vom Stromzähler bis zum Kühlschrank. Interessant ist das neue Protokoll auch für mobile Anwendungen. Für Handys und andere mobile Geräte gebe es bislang keine feste IP-Adresse, erklärt der Informatiker. Das erschwert die Entwicklung von Web-Anwendungen, die ein Gerät gezielt ansprechen müssen. „Das wird alles mit IPv6 möglich“, sagt Meinel.

Der Umstellungsprozess wird schrittweise vor sich gehen und betrifft alle Netzanbieter und -nutzer, auch den Endanwender. „Die meisten Provider beschäftigen sich noch nicht genug mit IPv6“, sagt Frank Orlowski vom Internet-Austauschknoten DE-CIX in Frankfurt am Main. „Je früher man damit anfängt, umso besser.“ Es dürfe keine Torschlusspanik aufkommen, aber „irgendwann gibt es nichts mehr, was noch an Adressräumen verteilt werden kann“. Immerhin nutzen nach Angaben Orlowskis bereits 70 bis 80 Provider der 240 am DE-CIX angeschlossenen Netze das neue Internet-Protokoll.

Der Netz-Experte erwartet, dass es eine Übergangszeit geben wird, in der beide Protokolle parallel verwendet werden können. „Irgendwann wird man dann aber das alte Netz abschalten“, erklärt Orlowski. „Das wird ein Prozess sein, der mehrere Jahre in Anspruch nimmt.“ Die Schätzungen für den Zeitpunkt, zu dem es keine freien IP-Adressen mehr geben wird, reichen je nach Szenario von 2010 bis 2012.

Abschied von dynamischen Adressen

Auch der Potsdamer Informatik-Professor Meinel sieht keinen Grund für Panik: „Es ist nicht so, dass plötzlich alles schwarz wird für die, die nicht umgestellt haben.“ Schließlich gibt es auch die als „Tunneling“ bezeichneten Möglichkeiten, Daten des einen Protokolls so zu transportieren, dass sie von einem anderen Protokoll verstanden werden. Allerdings könnte es dabei zu gewissen Leistungseinbußen kommen.

Die Umstellung ist auf Seiten der Provider mit Investitionen in neue Hardware verbunden - die neuen Router müssen dann schließlich mit IPv6 umgehen können. Meinel erwartet aber, dass dies im Rahmen der ohnehin üblichen Erneuerung von Geräten ablaufen kann. Auch der DSL-Router für das drahtlose WLAN-Netz daheim muss dann IPv6 verstehen können, aber Meinel sieht in der Bereitstellung der entsprechenden Geräte kein großes Hindernis: „IPv6 soll nicht teuer werden.“

„Never touch a running system“

Für gewichtiger hält der HPI-Direktor die Sorgen nach dem Motto „Never touch a running system“. Mancher werde sagen: „Mein Internet funktioniert doch.“ Solche Bedenken müssten mit einer breiten Aufklärung über die Vorteile überwunden werden, meint Meinel.

Bei IPv6 werden keine dynamischen IP-Adressen mehr zugewiesen, wie es bei der Einwahl ins Netz mit einem Modem oder auch bei den meisten DSL-Verbindungen der Fall ist. Feste IP-Adressen haben den Vorteil, dass man einen eigenen Web-Server betreiben kann, der auch ohne Anmeldung einer Domain, also einer Internet-Adresse nach dem Muster, immer unter der gleichen Ziffern-Adresse erreichbar ist. Andererseits erhöht eine dynamische, also sich immer wieder ändernde IP-Adresse auch den Schutz der Privatsphäre. Der Informatiker Meinel aber sieht in den dynamischen Adressen nur einen Notbehelf der IPv4-Ära: „Eigentlich sollten Datenschutz und Sicherheit auf anderen Methoden beruhen.“

Internet-Protokoll (IP)

Das Internet-Protokoll (IP) ist ein zentraler Standard für die Selbstorganisation des weltweiten Datennetzes. Es ermöglicht eine eindeutige Identifizierung für jedes an das Internet angeschlossene Gerät.

Bisher gilt im Netz Version 4 des Internet-Protokolls: IPv4 wurde bereits 1981 festgelegt. Es legt die Adressen in einem Datenblock mit einer Länge von 32 Bit ab: Vier Folgen von maximal drei Ziffern zwischen 0 und 255, die durch Punkte abgetrennt werden. Damit sind 4,3 Milliarden Internet-Adressen möglich, von denen allerdings 600 Millionen reserviert sind, so dass nur 3,7 Milliarden übrig bleiben.

Sehr viel mehr Platz bietet Version 6: IPv6 vergrößert den Datenblock auf 128 Bit, was mehr als 340 Sextillionen Adressen ermöglicht, aufgeteilt in acht Zahlenblöcken. Diese werden nicht in Dezimalziffern, sondern in hexadezimaler Schreibweise notiert, also in einem 16er Zahlensystem mit den zusätzlichen Buchstaben a bis f. IPv6 wurde im Dezember 1998 als Standard verankert, bis heute aber erst ansatzweise umgesetzt.

Monday, May 05, 2008

South Korea begins imports of biotech corn because of shortage of conventional grain

Friday, May 02, 2008

South Korea begins imports of biotech corn because of shortage of conventional grain

By Associated Press

Major South Korean corn processors have begun importing genetically modified varieties of the crop because of shortages of conventional corn on the world market since China began limiting its exports, officials said Friday.

About 63,000 tons of genetically modified U.S. corn arrived in South Korea on Thursday, the first large-scale imports for human consumption since the government began regulating biotech crops in 2001.

Four major South Korean companies, which make up about 90 percent of the corn processing market, had refrained from importing such corn because of negative perceptions among consumers of genetically modified organisms, or GMOs.

But now they say they cannot help but import GMO corn.

''China has stopped exports, while European countries are sweeping off non-GMO corn from Latin American nations,'' said Yoo Chang-kyu, an official with the Korea Corn Processing Association, the business lobby for the four companies. ''We don't have any other options.''

The companies use corn to produce corn starch, a key ingredient in cookies, beverages, ice cream and other foods.

Environmental and consumer groups protested the import of biotech corn, calling it ''monster food.''

''The safety of genetically modified corn has not been fully verified,'' they said in a joint statement. ''If food is made with it, the health of our nation's people can be threatened.''

On Thursday, activists held a protest at the port of Ulsan, where the GMO corn arrived, Yonhap news agency reported.

South Korea imported about 10.5 million tons of corn last year, with 8.2 million tons intended for animal feed and 2.3 million tons for human consumption, according to the Agriculture Ministry.

About half of the amount for human consumption was imported from China, 30 percent from the United States and the remainder from Brazil and other Latin American nations, it said.

China began limiting corn exports last year to avoid domestic shortages.

Local newspapers said the four Korean companies are expected to import about 1.3 million tons of GMO corn this year.

But Yoo, of the corn processing association, said the amount is likely to be less than that considering the expected backlash from consumers. He provided no exact estimate.

Yoo said the price of non-GMO corn has more than doubled to about US$360 per ton since 2006.

South Korea enforced a regulation in 2001 that calls for the labeling of products that contain GMOs.

Although no GMO corn had been imported in large amounts since then, about 70 percent of the country's soybean imports are genetically modified, according to the Korea Food and Drug Administration.

Electric Cars Primer

All of Inflation’s Little Parts

Ölpreis klettert über 120 Dollar

Ölpreis klettert über 120 Dollar

von Tobias Bayer (Frankfurt)

Förderausfälle in Nigeria und erfreuliche US-Konjunkturdaten haben den Ölpreis erstmals über 120 $ gehievt. Analysten rechnen damit, dass sich die Rally kurzfristig fortsetzt.

n New York verteuerte sich Rohöl der Sorte West Texas Intermediate zur Lieferung im Juni auf 120,21 $ je Barrel (entspricht 159 Litern). Das entspricht einem Tagesanstieg von knapp 4 $.

Die Rally des Ölpreises hält zur Zeit ungebremst an. Auf Jahressicht legte er um 93 Prozent zu. Befeuert wird die Hausse von der Angst vor künftigen Knappheiten, tatsächlichen Versorgungsstörungen und dem wachsenden Interesse der Finanzwelt an Rohstoffen als Vermögensklasse, die einen Schutz vor dem Dollar-Verfall und Inflation bietet. So hat der Greenback gegenüber der dem Euro in den vergangenen zwölf Monaten um 14 Prozent abgewertet. Nach Schätzungen haben Anleger derzeit 225 Mrd. $ in Rohstoffen investiert. Allein im ersten Quartal stieg das Engagement um 30 Mrd. $.

Einkaufsmanagerindex stützt Ölpreis

Alles schaut auf Nigeria: Das afrikanische Land ist bestimmend für den Ölpreis
Alles schaut auf Nigeria: Das afrikanische Land ist bestimmend für den Ölpreis

Für den Preisanstieg am Montag ausschlaggebend waren Nachrichten vom Wochenende aus Nigeria. Demnach haben militante Rebellen ein Transportsystem angegriffen und Royal Dutch Shell dazu gezwungen, den Ausstoß zu reduzieren. Preistreibend wirkte zudem der US-Einkaufsmanagerindex für den Dienstleistungssektor. Im April stieg der Konjunkturindikator unerwartet von 49,6 auf 52 an. Ein Wert über 50 signalisiert Wachstum. Händler sehen sich deshalb bestärkt darin, dass es um die Wirtschaft der USA nun doch nicht so schlimm bestellt ist wie angenommen. Die Vereinigten Staaten sind der größte Verbraucher der Welt. Im Februar fiel die Ölnachfrage um sieben Prozent - das ist der größte Einbruch seit Dezember 2001.

Eugen Weinberg, Rohstoffanalyst der Commerzbank, rechnet mit Blick auf die spekulativen Kaufpositionen mit einem weiteren Preisanstieg. "Angeführt von der Preisschwäche Anfang letzte Woche sind die Netto-Long-Positionen der Großanleger bei Rohöl um 17.000 Kontrakte zurückgekommen und liegen bei 53.300 Kontrakten. Dies lässt noch viel Spielraum nach oben und macht weitere Steigerungen wahrscheinlich", schreibt Weinberg in einem Researchbericht.

Sunday, May 04, 2008

Microsoft and Yahoo!

Microsoft throws in the towel

May 4th 2008

The software giant withdraws its bid for Yahoo!

HE build up had all the atmosphere of one of boxing’s bigger bouts. But three months after Microsoft laid down the challenge, it elected to walk away from its takeover bout for Yahoo!. On Saturday May 3rd the software giant laid down its gloves, despite expectations of a hostile contest. One last attempt to improve the deal had failed. Microsoft said that it had raised its $44.6 billion bid by $5 billion, but that as Yahoo! was holding out for a bigger purse it would walk away. Failing to buy Yahoo! leaves Microsoft well short in its bid to go after the ultimate champion of the internet: Google.

Microsoft and Yahoo! are a distant second and third in the lucrative business of web search and related advertising. The idea of combining was to challenge the clear leader, Google. Microsoft wanted Yahoo! in order to add critical mass to Microsoft's own advertising platform, to make it more competitive. But Yahoo! was not keen to join the effort to become an advertising counterweight to Google. Jerry Yang, Yahoo!’s founder, had no wish to see the company he created swallowed up by Microsoft. Last year, in an effort to revive his former giant of the web, he resumed his role as chief executive and from that position tried to ward off an offer that he reckoned “substantially undervalues” the company.

These efforts set off a string of shifting alliances, rumour, claim and counterclaim that offered a variety of permutations of tie-ups between big internet firms. Yahoo! has been aiming to compete with Google for years, but without success. Under assault from Microsoft, Yahoo! has hinted that it might give up and, in effect, piggy-back on Google's superiority in order to boost its own profits and persuade shareholders not to sell to Microsoft. Yahoo! ran a limited trial in which it allowed Google to place text advertisements on Yahoo!'s search pages in America. Rumours circulate still that it wants to extend this arrangement. Moreover, other rumours suggest that Yahoo! has been discussing a merger with Time Warner’s internet arm, AOL.

As Yahoo! threw up its defences, Microsoft also became the subject of rumours. One suggested that Microsoft might team up with News Corporation, an old-media heavyweight controlled by Rupert Murdoch, a wily new-media operator too. The pair were said to be considering a joint bid for Yahoo!. Yet previously Mr Murdoch had been mooted as a “white knight” to save Yahoo! from Microsoft’s clutches. He, probably wisely, decided to avoid involvement in a bidding war against an opponent with deep-pockets.

In the end Steve Ballmer, Microsoft’s chief executive, said that Yahoo!’s determination to pursue closer ties with Google, even as takeover talks progressed, were reason enough to drop the takeover offer. For its part Yahoo! reckoned that the prospects of closer advertising ties with Google justified a much higher price than Microsoft was prepared to pay. Mr Ballmer said Microsoft was reluctant to launch a hostile bid as the firm was unwilling to get involved in a protracted fight for the support of Yahoo!’s shareholders. There was also concern that that Yahoo! might make matters more difficult in the meantime: it has already introduced some “poison pills” including an expensive buyout for any worker sacked by a buyer.

Microsoft has lost out and may now look elsewhere to take the fight to Google. Yet there are few obvious targets that would give it the boost that Yahoo! offers, although AOL is a possibility. Yahoo!’s shareholders also stand to lose heavily. Shareholders may not take kindly to a boss who has turned down a fair offer for the company—although Microsoft may yet return to the fray and bid for Yahoo! at a later date. Amid all the dissatisfaction that the fight did not reach a conclusion one winner stands out. Google still has no worthy competitor to challenge for its title as heavyweight champion of the internet.

Pursuing the Next Level of Artificial Intelligence

Pursuing the Next Level of Artificial Intelligence

Jim Wilson/The New York Times

Daphne Koller’s award-winning work in artificial intelligence has had commercial impact.

Published: May 3, 2008

PALO ALTO, Calif. — Like a good gambler, Daphne Koller, a researcher at Stanford whose work has led to advances in artificial intelligence, sees the world as a web of probabilities.

There is, however, nothing uncertain about her impact.

A mathematical theoretician, she has made contributions in areas like robotics and biology. Her biggest accomplishment — and at age 39, she is expected to make more — is creating a set of computational tools for artificial intelligence that can be used by scientists and engineers to do things like predict traffic jams, improve machine vision and understand the way cancer spreads.

Ms. Koller’s work, building on an 18th-century theorem about probability, has already had an important commercial impact, and her colleagues say that will grow in the coming decade. Her techniques have been used to improve computer vision systems and in understanding natural language, and in the future they are expected to lead to an improved generation of Web search.

“She’s on the bleeding edge of the leading edge,” said Gary Bradski, a machine vision researcher at Willow Garage, a robotics start-up firm in Menlo Park, Calif.

Ms. Koller was honored last week with a new computer sciences award sponsored by the Association for Computing Machinery and the Infosys Foundation, the philanthropic arm of the Indian computer services firm Infosys.

The award to Ms. Koller, with a prize of $150,000, is viewed by scientists and industry executives as validating her research, which has helped transform artificial intelligence from science fiction and speculation into an engineering discipline that is creating an array of intelligent machines and systems. It is not the first such recognition; in 2004, Ms. Koller received a $500,000 MacArthur Fellowship.

Ms. Koller is part of a revival of interest in artificial intelligence. After three decades of disappointments, artificial intelligence researchers are making progress. Recent developments made possible spam filters, Microsoft’s new ClearFlow traffic maps and the driverless robotic cars that Stanford teams have built for competitions sponsored by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency.

Since arriving at Stanford as a professor in 1995, Ms. Koller has led a group of researchers who have reinvented the discipline of artificial intelligence. Pioneered during the 1960s, the field was originally dominated by efforts to build reasoning systems from logic and rules. Judea Pearl, a computer scientist at the University of California, Los Angeles, had a decade earlier advanced statistical techniques that relied on repeated measurements of real-world phenomena.

Called the Bayesian approach, it centers on a formula for updating the probabilities of events based on repeated observations. The Bayes rule, named for the 18th-century mathematician Thomas Bayes, describes how to transform a current assumption about an event into a revised, more accurate assumption after observing further evidence.

Ms. Koller has led research that has greatly increased the scope of existing Bayesian-related software. “When I started in the mid- to late 1980s, there was a sense that numbers didn’t belong in A.I.,” she said in a recent interview. “People didn’t think in numbers, so why should computers use numbers?”

Ms. Koller is beginning to apply her algorithms more generally to help scientists discern patterns in vast collections of data.

“The world is noisy and messy,” Ms. Koller said. “You need to deal with the noise and uncertainty.”

That philosophy has led her to do research in game theory and artificial intelligence, and more recently in molecular biology.

Her tools led to a new type of cancer gene map based on examining the behavior of a large number of genes that are active in a variety of tumors. From the research, scientists were able to develop a new explanation of how breast tumors spread into bone.

One potentially promising area to apply Ms. Koller’s theoretical work will be the emerging field of information extraction, which could be applied to Web searches. Web pages would be read by software systems that could organize the information and effectively understand unstructured text.

“Daphne is one of the most passionate researchers in the A.I. community,” said Eric Horvitz, a Microsoft researcher and president of the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence. “After being immersed for a few years with the computational challenges of decoding regulatory genomics, she confided her excitement to me, saying something like, ‘I think I’ve become a biologist — I mean a real biologist — and it’s fabulous.’ ”

To that end, Ms. Koller is spending a sabbatical doing research with biologists at the University of California, San Francisco. Because biology is increasingly computational, her expertise is vital in gaining deeper understanding of cellular processes.

Ms. Koller grew up in an academic family in Israel, the daughter of a botanist and an English professor. While her father spent a year at Stanford in 1981 when she was 12, she began programming on a Radio Shack PC that she shared with another student.

When her family returned to Israel the next year, she told her father, the botanist, that she was bored with high school and wanted to pursue something more stimulating in college. After half a year, she persuaded him to let her enter Hebrew University, where she studied computer science and mathematics.

By 17, she was teaching a database course at the university. The next year she received her master’s degree and then joined the Israeli Army before coming to the United States to study for a Ph.D. at Stanford.

She didn’t spend her time looking at a computer monitor. “I find it distressing that the view of the field is that you sit in your office by yourself surrounded by old pizza boxes and cans of Coke, hacking away at the bowels of the Windows operating system,” she said. “I spend most of my time thinking about things like how does a cell work or how do we understand images in the world around us?”

In recent years, many of her graduate students have gone to work at Google. However she tries to persuade undergraduates to stay in academia and not rush off to become software engineers at start-up companies.

She acknowledges that the allure of Silicon Valley riches can be seductive. “My husband still berates me for not having jumped on the Google bandwagon at the beginning,” she said. Still, she insists she does not regret her decision to stay in academia. “I like the freedom to explore the things I care about,” she said.

Larry Page on how to change the world

Breakthrough ideas are around the corner, says the Google co-founder. But most of us are failing to take a chance on them.

By Andy Serwer, managing editor

(Fortune Magazine) -- As president of Google, Larry Page has pushed his people to take risks that have led to hot new applications like Gmail and Google Maps. Lately he has been thinking far outside the walls of his company. Page sees a world of opportunity - in areas ranging from energy to safer cars. But he also sees a world of timidity; not enough people, he worries, are willing to place the big bets that could make a difference in meeting humanity's biggest challenges.

In these edited excerpts from an interview with Fortune managing editor Andy Serwer at Google's (GOOG, Fortune 500) headquarters in Mountain View, Calif., Page offers his views on innovation, change, fear - and why he is, all things considered, an optimist.

What are you thinking about these days?

If you ask an economist what's driven economic growth, it's been major advances in things that mattered - the mechanization of farming, mass manufacturing, things like that. The problem is, our society is not organized around doing that. People are not working on things that could have that kind of influence. We forget that it really does matter that we don't have to carry our water; it's not that much fun to walk miles and miles to try to find water and then carry it back under human power. And our ability to generate clean, accessible water is based on basic technologies: Do we have energy? Can we make things? My argument is that people aren't thinking that way.

Instead, it's sort of like "We are captives of the world, and whatever happens, happens." That's not the case at all. It really matters whether people are working on generating clean energy or improving transportation or making the Internet work better and all those things. And small groups of people can have a really huge impact.

How can we increase the number of people doing such work?

There are a number of barriers in place. Let me give an example. In our first founders' letter in 2004, we talked about the risk profile with respect to doing new innovations. We said we would do some things that would have only a 10% chance of making $1 billion over the long term. But we don't put many people on those things; 90% work on everything else. So that's not a big risk. And if you look at where many of our new features come from, it's from these riskier investments.

Even when we started Google, we thought, "Oh, we might fail," and we almost didn't do it. The reason we started is that Stanford said, "You guys can come back and finish your Ph.D.s if you don't succeed." Probably that one decision caused Google to be created. It's not clear we would have done it otherwise. We had all this internal risk we had just invented. It's not that we were going to starve or not get jobs or not have a good life or whatever, but you have this fear of failing and of doing something new, which is very natural. In order to do stuff that matters, you need to overcome that.

Are there mechanisms that society, government, or companies can put into place?

Absolutely - look at Silicon Valley, which has been the premier place in the world to do things like that. There's been a lot of money available and a lot of people encouraging other people to take risks. I don't know that we would have done it had we been in a different environment.

On the one hand you're saying it's a problem. On the other, you're saying it's being done.

I don't think it's black-and-white like that. The question is, How many people are working on things that can move the needle on the economy or on people's quality of life? Look, 40,000 people a year are killed in the U.S. in auto accidents. Who's going to make that number zero or very, very small? There are people working on it.

What are they doing?

Working on making cars automated. You can already see the technology going into some cars. Infiniti just released a car that will kick you back in if you are driving out of the lane, which is a large source of accidents. So you're saving lives, and the technology is not that costly. But the number of people willing to work on stuff like that is very, very, very small.

Why is that?

Honestly, I'm a little baffled. But my own experience within Google is that it's hard to get people to work on those kinds of things because of the personal risk they feel they're taking. Also, people don't have the right training. If you say you want to automate cars and save people's lives, the skills you need for that aren't taught in any particular discipline. I know - I was interested in working on automating cars when I was a Ph.D. student in 1995.

Is the problem that people are risk-averse?

That's part of the problem, but I think that can be overcome with education and environment and infrastructure. My experience is that when people are trying to do ambitious things, they're all worried about failing when they start. But all sorts of interesting things spin out that are of huge economic value. Also, in these kinds of projects, you get to work with the best people and have a very interesting time. They're not really taking a risk, but they feel like they are.

As a public company, you have an obligation to shareholders. How does that come into play when you start designating resources to speculative projects?

In practice that's not an issue. I've told the whole company repeatedly I want people to work on artificial intelligence - so we end up with five people working on it. Guess what? That's not a major expense. There's a reason we talk about 70/20/10, where 70% of our resources are spent in our core business and 10% end up in unrelated projects, like energy or whatever. [The other 20% goes to projects adjacent to the core business.] Actually, it's a struggle to get it to even be 10%. People might think we're wasting money or whatever. But that's where all our new stuff has come from.

Isn't this easier to do at a place like Google than, say, at older Fortune 500 companies?

Many leaders of big organizations, I think, don't believe that change is possible. But if you look at history, things do change, and if your business is static, you're likely to have issues. Look at the auto industry: It took the Japanese to convince people you can have a reliable car. Then they started pushing the product cycles shorter and shorter. Instead of making a car in five years, they made them in one year or two years. That's a big change.

And then there are things like Moore's Law [that the number of transistors on a chip will double about every two years]. People think Moore's Law is a description of what happened. But Moore's Law actually caused people to do the right thing. Everyone was organized about it - making things better quickly.

So if there were Moore's Laws applicable to other businesses or products, people would organize to fulfill that point?

Yes, yes. Different things get solved for different reasons. Obviously you're not going to get Moore's Law performance for cars - you're not just moving information around. With cars, you have physical constraints.

Do you have other examples where innovative leadership could move the needle?

I think there are a lot of areas. You can be a bit of a detective and ask, What are the industries where things haven't changed much in 50 years? We've been looking a little at geothermal power. And you start thinking about it, and you say, Well, a couple of miles under this spot or almost any other place in the world, it's pretty darn hot. How hard should it be to dig a really deep hole? We've been drilling for a long time, mostly for oil - and oil's expensive. If you want to move heat around, you need bigger holes. The technology just hasn't been developed for extracting heat. I imagine there's pretty good odds that's possible.

Solar thermal's another area we've been working on; the numbers there are just astounding. In Southern California or Nevada, on a day with an average amount of sun, you can generate 800 megawatts on one square mile. And 800 megawatts is actually a lot. A nuclear plant is about 2,000 megawatts.

The amount of land that's required to power the entire U.S. with electricity is something like 100 miles by 100 miles. So you say, "What do I need to do to generate that power?" You could buy solar cells. The problem is, at today's solar prices you'd need trillions of dollars to generate all the electricity in the U.S. Then you say, "Well, how much do mirrors cost?" And it turns out you can buy pieces of glass and a mirror and you can cover those areas for not that much money. Somehow the world is not doing a good job of making this stuff available. As a society, on the larger questions we have, we're not making reasonable progress.

So you think that geothermal and solar thermal could solve our energy problems?

Yeah, probably either one could generate all the energy we need. There's no discipline to actually do this stuff, and you can also see this vested interest, risk-averse behavior, plus a lack of creativity. It sort of conspires. It's also a timeliness thing; everyone said Sam Walton was crazy to build big stores in small towns. Almost everyone who has had an idea that's somewhat revolutionary or wildly successful was first told they're insane.

Whose obligation is it to make this kind of change happen? Is it Google's? The government's? Stanford's? Kleiner Perkins'?

I think it's everybody who cares about making progress in the world. Let's say there are 10,000 people working on these things. If we make that 100,000, we'll probably get 10 times the progress.

And then you compare it with the number of engineers at Exxon (XOM, Fortune 500) and Chevron (CVX, Fortune 500) and ConocoPhillips (COP, Fortune 500) who are trying to squeeze the last drop of oil out of somewhere, and all the science brainpower that's going to that. It's totally disproportionate to the return that they could get elsewhere.

What kind of background do you think is required to push these kinds of changes?

I think you need an engineering education where you can evaluate the alternatives. For example, are fuel cells a reasonable way to go or not? For that, you need a pretty general engineering and scientific education, which is not traditionally what happens. That's not how I was trained. I was trained as a computer engineer. So I understand how to build computers, how to make software. I've learned on my own a lot of other things. If you look at the people who have high impact, they have pretty general knowledge. They don't have a really narrowly focused education.

You also need some leadership skills. You don't want to be Tesla. He was one of the greatest inventors, but it's a sad, sad story. He couldn't commercialize anything, he could barely fund his own research. You'd want to be more like Edison. If you invent something, that doesn't necessarily help anybody. You've got to actually get it into the world; you've got to produce, make money doing it so you can fund it.

Are you consciously hiring people who can look at these issues?

Those people don't really exist. You can't hire them. People usually have careers where they stay in pretty fixed areas.

Some of the VCs are forced to be a little more general in how they evaluate things, and that's been good. But they still go wrong. Look at VC investment in clean energy. What caused that to happen was two things: the price of oil going up and global warning. It's mostly the price of oil going up.

But think about it. Most of the money is going into companies that will produce electricity - and the price of electricity is based on the price of coal, which hasn't changed. So the question is, Why didn't we do all this investment 10 years ago? That was a huge mistake. It's obviously easier if oil's more expensive, but there's no particularly good reason we didn't do a lot of it sooner.

Are you more or less optimistic about the future than you were three years ago?

I'm hugely more optimistic because now we have a conceptualization of the problems that makes some degree of sense to a fair number of people. Look at the things we worry about - poverty, global warming, people dying in accidents. And look at the things that drive people's basic level of happiness - safety and opportunity for their kids, plus basic things like health and shelter. I think our ability to achieve these things on a large scale for many people in the world is improving.

Jia Lynn Yang contributed to this article. To top of page

Math : Google Labs Problems

Math : Google Labs Problems

Author: Marcus Kazmierczak
Created On: July 29th, 2004

A mysterious billboard appeared on 101-southbound which I passed each day to work. The billboard said:

{ the first 10-digit prime in consecutive digits of e }.com

I passed by the billboard numerous times before I realized it wasn't an advertisement for a company, it wasn't touting some servers new ability, it was actually a question. A problem to be solved. As I've shown before I'm always up for a good problem, I got right on it.

Problem #1

My first intrepretation of the problem was to find the first 10-digit prime, the first being 1,000,000,007 and the next being 1,000,000,009 and seeing if they are in e. So I've already created a few primes scripts before but not up to 10-digits, so I modified it a touch and started that cranking out some big primes.

Now as I started to think about it more I realized that this intrepretation doesn't make sense, since it is wholly dependent on the length of e that you are using to check. It's possible you can extend e long enough to have any 10-digit prime show up.

Well, I had left my big prime number generator cranking and it turned out 105 million prime numbers, up to 2.1 billion. This file of consecutive primes ended up being 1 gig! This took about 4-hours on an Opteron 64-bit 2ghz box. Thankfully I wouldn't need it.

So on to the second, and real intrepretation, of the question, take 10-digit chunks of e, starting at the beginning and check if those are prime. This turns out to be a much easier problem.

Now, the largest number it could be is 9,999,999,999, so the largest prime we need to check is the square root of that, which is roughly 100,000. Now the list of primes up to 100,000 is quick and easy to generate. [again previous scripts]

So grabbing the first ~2,500 digits of e, from this site [], I was guessing 2,500 would be enough. I could always go back for more. Moving them onto one line for ease of use I ended up with this file [e.0]

I wrote this script [] to chunkify it into 10-digit pieces that are possibly primes, stripping out digits that end with an even number or 5. This left me with the following file [e.10digit.chunks] So I then wrote a script which reads in the primes from this file [] and puts them in an array. This is what is used to check if our 10-digit e-chunks are prime, using this script []

Here are the first ten, the first one of course is the correct answer:

  1. 7427466391
  2. 7413596629
  3. 6059563073
  4. 3490763233
  5. 2988075319
  6. 1573834187
  7. 7021540891
  8. 5408914993
  9. 6480016847
  10. 9920695517
So going to: brings up a second problem.
Problem #2

Here's the second problem:

f(1) = 7182818284
f(2) = 8182845904
f(3) = 8747135266
f(4) = 7427466391
f(5) = ???

First Idea
The first thought was to solve it using a 3rd degree polynomial which will give us an equation which will fit the four points and we can plug in the 5th value, 5, and get the answer. After struggling with Excel, which could graph and forecast the polynomial and even give us an equation it would not give us the forecasted value. dumb. Abandoning Excel, since it's equation wasn't even all that accurate.

Using: a * x^3 + b * x^2 + c * x + d = y Gives us the following 4-equations and 4-unknowns:

1a + 1b + 1c + d = 7182818284
8a + 4b + 2c + d = 8182845904
27a + 9b + 3c + d = 8747135266
64a + 16b + 4c + d = 7427466391

This solves to:

a = -241369996.5
b = 1230350850
c = -1001434954.5
d = 7195272385

Plugging into the above for f(5) = 2775619365

Testing this does not work, but since this section was labeled, First Idea, you should of seen that it would've been wrong.

Second Idea
After giving up the the polynomial fit and looking at the numbers a little more the first number looked very much like the beginning of e. It turns out to be the first segment of e and the other numbers also are all segments of e. They looked like this:


The first number mapped to the 2 spot of e, the 2nd number to the 6th spot, the 3rd number to the 24th spot and the 4th number to the 100th spot. This gave me the new functions:

f(1) = 2
f(2) = 6
f(3) = 24
f(4) = 100

Numerous attempts were made to try to figure out a patern here, which turns out to be very close to a factorial series,

f(x) = (x+1)!
but not quite, the 100 would need to be 120. After awhile looking at this it was abandoned and back to the original numbers.
f(1) = 7182818284
f(2) = 8182845904
f(3) = 8747135266
f(4) = 7427466391
f(5) = ???

Trying out various things on them, the following turned up which seemed a little too coincendental to be a coincendence:

7+1+8+2+8+1+8+2+8+4 = 49
8+1+8+2+8+4+5+9+0+4 = 49
8+7+4+7+1+3+5+2+6+6 = 49
7+4+2+7+4+6+6+3+9+1 = 49

So a quick script [] to check if these are the first 4 values of 10-digit chunks of e that sum to 49, which they turned out to be. The script turned up:

  1. 7182818284
  2. 8182845904
  3. 8747135266
  4. 7427466391
  5. 5966290435
  6. 2952605956
  7. 0753907774
  8. 0777449920
  9. 3069697720
  10. 1252389784

The 5th one being the correct answer.

Folllowing the directions, it turned out to be a recruitment tool for Google Labs, looking for the best and brightest. It was pretty fun and good idea for them. Unfortunately, their search engine is too good and anyone can look up answers to them, so I'm not sure how valid of a test it is. I did send them the link to my resume, encoded of course.

Calculating e

I felt like it was cheating downloading some one else's calculated digits of e. So using the formula:

e = 1/0! + 1/1! + 1/2! + 1/3! + 1/4! + ... 1/N!

I wrote the following script, to calculate the digits of e, the script uses the GMP libraries for precision.

An Electrifying Startup

May/June 2008

An Electrifying Startup

A new lithium-ion battery from A123 Systems could help electric cars and hybrids come to dominate the roads.

By Kevin Bullis

It is the quickest electric motorcycle in the world. On a popular YouTube video, the black dragster cycle nearly disappears in a cloud of smoke as the driver does a "burn-out," spinning the back wheel to heat it up. As the smoke drifts away, the driver settles into position and hits a switch, and the bike surges forward, accelerating to 60 miles per hour in less than a second. Seven seconds later it crosses the quarter-mile mark at 168 miles per hour--quick enough to compete with gas-powered dragsters.

What powers the "Killacycle" is a novel lithium-ion battery developed by A123 Systems, a startup in Watertown, MA--one of a handful of companies working on similar technology. The company's batteries store more than twice as much energy as nickel-metal hydride batteries, the type used in today's hybrid cars, while delivering the bursts of power necessary for high performance. A radically modified version of the lithium-ion batteries used in portable electronics, the technology could jump-start the long-sputtering electric-vehicle market, which today represents a tiny fraction of 1 percent of vehicle sales in the United States. A123's batteries in particular have attracted the interest of General Motors, which is testing them as a way to power the Volt, an electric car with a gasoline generator; the vehicle is expected to go into mass production as early as 2010.

Side Impact: A battery designed by A123 Systems for GM’s Volt electric vehicle can survive a crushing safety test. The high-velocity impact could have caused other lithium-ion batteries to overheat and catch fire.
Credit: Porter Gifford
Learn how different kinds of hybrids work using this interactive primer.
video Yet-Ming Chiang discusses his new lithium-ion battery electrode.
Reporter's Notebook: Kevin Bullis

In the past, automakers have blamed electric vehicles' poor sales on their lead-acid or nickel-metal hydride batteries, which were so heavy that they limited the vehicles' range and so bulky that they took up trunk space. While conventional lithium-ion batteries are much lighter and more compact, they're not cost effective for electric vehicles. That's partly because they use lithium cobalt oxide electrodes, which can be unstable: batteries based on them wear out after a couple of years and can burst into flame if punctured, crushed, overcharged, or overheated. Some auto­makers have tried to engineer their way around these problems, but the results have been expensive.

A123's batteries could finally make lithium-ion technology practical for the auto industry. Instead of cobalt oxide, they use an electrode material made from nanoparticles of lithium iron phosphate modified with trace metals. The resulting batteries are unlikely to catch fire, even if crushed in an accident. They are also much hardier than conventional lithium-ion batteries: A123 predicts that they will last longer than the typical lifetime of a car.

The battery's promise has made A123 one of the best-funded technology startups in the country, with $148 million in venture capital investments so far. With the funding, A123 has been pursuing an ambitious business plan that calls for it to do everything from perfecting the material to manufacturing batteries and selling them to customers in the auto and power-tool industries.

The A123 batteries for GM's Volt store enough energy for 40 miles of driving, enough to cover daily commutes. (On longer trips, the small gasoline engine would kick in to recharge the battery, extending the range to more than 400 miles.) GM plans to sell the vehicles for around $30,000 to $35,000; the company thinks it can sell hundreds of thousands at that price in the first several years, and J. D. Power and Associates estimates that GM will sell nearly 300,000 by 2014.

Materials Matter
In early 2001, a 26-year-old Venezuelan entrepreneur named Ric Fulop walked into the office of Yet-Ming Chiang, a professor of materials science at MIT, without an appointment. "He just showed up and knocked on the door," recalls Chiang. Fulop, who had already founded three venture­-backed companies, wanted help starting a battery company, and he knew that Chiang was conducting battery research involving nanotechnology. Chiang himself had cofounded a successful startup in the late 1980s, but he spent most of his time researching nanotechnology and the chemistry of advanced ceramics.

By the fall, Fulop and Chiang, along with Bart Riley, an engineer Chiang knew from his previous venture, had cofounded A123 Systems. The plan was to commercialize one of Chiang's more radical ideas: materials that, when stirred together, would spontaneously assemble to form a working battery. The process promised to multiply energy storage capacity while lowering manufacturing costs.

Chiang's big idea turned out to be a hit with investors. By the end of 2001, a first round of funding had brought in $8.3 million from various venture capital firms. Motorola and Qualcomm, intrigued by the prospect of better batteries for portable electronics, soon added $4 million. But it quickly became clear that a commercial self-assembling battery was years away from reality. The technology "was still pretty rudimentary," Chiang says.

In early 2002, however, Chiang made a surprising discovery that would completely change the company's direction. He had begun to work with lithium iron phosphate, which is nontoxic, safe, and inexpensive, unlike the materials used in other lithium-ion batteries. But it appeared to have some serious drawbacks. It stores less energy than lithium cobalt oxide, the electrode material in conventional lithium-ion batteries, so it seemed unsuitable for use in portable electronics, where energy storage is paramount. Also, it charges and discharges slowly, ruling out its use in high-power applications such as hybrid electric vehicles; even for fully electric cars, which use many more battery cells than hybrids, the material couldn't deliver enough power.

So Chiang started to modify it by adding trace amounts of metals. Soon the material was discharging power at relatively high rates. In mid-2002, he flew to Monterey, CA, to present his findings at a conference. While he was there, a graduate student back at MIT continued running tests. By the time ­Chiang was scheduled to talk, the material was performing at rates four times those he had come to announce. "At that point, we knew we had something special," he says.

Eventually, Chiang would demonstrate that the material could deliver bursts of electricity at 10 times the rate of those used in conventional lithium-ion batteries. After studying the high-­performing material in detail, he determined that it owed its power both to the size of the particles he'd used (less than 100 nanometers) and to the addition of the extra metals. The combination of those factors, he says, causes a fundamental difference in the way the atoms that make up the material rearrange themselves when they receive and release a charge.

Packed Up: A123’s battery cells (above) have been integrated into a T-shaped pack engineered by the German firm Continental.
Credit: Porter Gifford

In all lithium-ion batteries, electricity is generated when lithium ions shuttle between two electrodes while electrons travel through an external circuit. In Chiang's early experiments with lithium iron phosphate, the parts of the material that contained lithium would separate from those that didn't as the lithium ions moved in and out of an electrode. That changed the crystalline structure of the material, and its performance deteriorated. But, ­Chiang discovered, when the particles of lithium iron phosphate are small enough--and the electrode has been modified, or "doped," through the addition of other metals--the material's crystalline structure changes far less. As a result, the lithium ions can move in and out faster, without degrading the material. Altogether, Chiang found that the modified material charged and discharged faster than ordinary lithium iron phosphate, and it lasted longer, too.

Extraordinary though the new battery material seemed to be, ­Chiang realized immediately that it wasn't ideal for portable electronics. There didn't seem to be a ready market for light, compact batteries that delivered large bursts of power. Hybrid vehicles, a natural fit, were only beginning to appear on the market. What Chiang didn't know was that a major power-tool company was working quietly on a new generation of cordless tools, and it was having trouble finding a battery that would meet its needs.

Powerful Start
In 2003, representatives of Black and Decker met with Fulop and A123's CEO, Dave Vieau, and told them that they wanted to make cordless power tools that would perform better than tools plugged in to the wall. A123's material seemed like a perfect fit. In short bursts, it can deliver more power than a household circuit. And it had other features that would be attractive on a construction site. It could be recharged quickly (to 80 percent of capacity in 12 minutes or less), and unlike batteries made with lithium cobalt oxide, it could survive harsh treatment without catching fire.

That, at least, was the theory. When Fulop and Vieau first met with Black and Decker, they had only a model of a battery cell, half a gram of material, and a PowerPoint presentation. What Black and Decker needed was a company that could produce millions of batteries. "There was a lot of emphasis on the material, but what we had to learn how to do is to engineer the complete cell," Chiang says.

Within a year of signing its initial agreement with Black and Decker, however, A123 had produced a commercially feasible battery. By November 2005, its first products were coming off assembly lines in Asia. In less than three years, the company went from building a demonstration battery the size of a coin to building 50-meter-long coating machines and 28,000-square-meter factories run by hundreds of employees. By 2006, customers were buying its batteries in a new line of professional tools sold by Black and Decker. In short order, A123 was manufacturing batteries at the rate of millions a year.

German built: The T-shaped pack (above) holds A123's battery cells. GM is testing the pack under simulated driving conditions before bolting it into an electric-vehicle prototype.
Credit: Courtesy of General Motors

Charging Up Cars
Meanwhile, GM was rethinking its technology strategy as Toyota began to dominate the hybrid-vehicle business. A hybrid uses a battery only part of the time, relying on a gasoline engine for much of its power. GM decided to develop a car that would allow its customers to stop using gasoline entirely for most daily driving. But to pull it off, the automaker needed a high-performance, reliable battery. And for that it turned to A123.

GM knew that it wanted to use lithium-ion batteries because of their storage capacity, says Denise Gray, GM's director of energy storage systems. But it also knew that existing technology wouldn't do the trick. Though a lithium-ion laptop battery might survive 500 complete charge-and-discharge cycles before its capacity fades, no car owner wants to buy a new battery every 18 months. According to A123's projections, however, its batteries should be able to deliver more than 15 years' worth of daily charges. And in addition to being safer than other lithium-ion batteries, A123's operate at a lower temperature, which makes it simpler to pack hundreds of them together into a large battery pack, Gray says.

Where A123's power-tool batteries are cylindrical, the battery it developed for the Volt is flat, to save space and more efficiently dissipate heat. The cells have been assembled into complete battery packs, which are T-shaped and nearly two meters long. This spring, the batteries will be bolted into vehicle prototypes for road testing. And later this year, A123 plans to increase production of the batteries to meet anticipated demand. The first cars powered by A123 technology could be rolling off assembly lines in 2010. (GM is also testing batteries from another company, and may use batteries from either or both companies.)

If the Volt is popular, electric cars could finally start to take off--and that could reduce greenhouse-gas emissions and petroleum consumption. A recent study by the Electric Power Research Institute and the Natural Resources Defense Council suggests that electric vehicles similar to GM's car could eliminate billions of tons of greenhouse-gas emissions between 2010 and 2050. A study by General Electric indicates that if half the vehicles on the road in 2030 are electric-powered, petroleum consumption in the United States will shrink by six million barrels a day.

And batteries like A123's could have repercussions far beyond the Volt. Even cars with internal-combustion engines are being engineered to rely more on electricity: the simplest examples involve batteries recharged by souped-up alternators that would allow a car to shut off its engine when it approaches a stoplight and restart when the driver hits the accelerator. In conventional hybrids, versions of A123's batteries can deliver as much power as nickel-metal hydride batteries at one-fifth the weight. The new batteries could also benefit plug-in hybrids, which can be recharged from a standard electrical outlet. Indeed, A123's batteries may be used in a plug-in version of the Saturn Vue hybrid SUV that's due out in 2010.

Whatever their design, future cars will be likely to rely much more on electricity. "We're not there yet," Chiang says. "There aren't Volts all over the place. But the potential to have a big impact, both on the oil supply issue and greenhouse gases--I didn't imagine that we'd be able to do that. Certainly not when I started working on batteries."

Kevin Bullis is TR's Nanotechnology and Materials science Editor.